What Should I Do If I Think My House Has High Radon Levels?

Your home is meant to be a safe, comfortable place. Because radon is invisible and odorless, it can be difficult to detect without performing radon testing. Here are some steps you can take if you think that your home has elevated radon levels.
Radon Level Testing
As a substance that’s been linked to lung cancer and other health concerns, high levels of radon can be dangerous. If you have reasons to believe that your home has issues with radon, you should schedule radon testing. If the results show radon levels of four pCi/L or higher, you’ll need mitigation services.
Professional Radon Assistance
Once it’s been established that your radon levels are dangerously high, you can contact the state to find qualified mitigation specialists. Though Colorado doesn’t require a license for radon services, the state’s Department of Public Health & Environment will put you in touch with a company that has the proper certifications. Radon mitigation experts use several different solutions to lower radon levels, including installing fans and vent pipes, sealing cracks in the foundation, and performing sub-slab suction.
Retesting Radon Levels
Even after radon mitigation is complete, you should still periodically monitor your radon levels to ensure that they stay below four pCi/L. After working with a licensed professional, you shouldn’t need to worry about this for several years. However, there’s nothing wrong with being cautious.
Living in a home with elevated radon levels can be harmful to your health, so you should work with certified experts to address this issue. APEX Radon performs radon testing and mitigation with high-quality tools and equipment to residents in Aurora, CO and the surrounding areas. Plus, our work and materials are backed by a seven-year warranty. We also guarantee that we will lower your radon levels to be below four pCi/L. To learn more about how we can help you, call (720) 902-7995 or request a quote today.